Teaching Awards
Paul B. Beeson Award
Recognizes outstanding clinical teaching, scholarliness, humility, compassion & integrity
learn moreRobert S. Evans Award
Reflects the qualities of warmth, understanding, and concern for the needs of others
learn moreMarvin Turck Award
Career achievement award to honor long-term contributions that have defined standards for patient care and teaching.
learn moreTina Juul-Dam Teacher of the Year Award
Honors a patient-centered focus, enthusiasm, honesty and humility, and compassion and genuine care for patients and colleagues.
learn moreRichard M. Tucker WWAMI Excellence in Teaching Awards
Recognizes enthusiasm and dedication to providing outstanding teaching and service to medical students.
learn moreC. Scott Smith Community Teacher of the Year Award
Recognizes those who have a deep enthusiasm for and excellence in teaching and using evidence-based medicine in clinical care.
learn moreResident and Intern Excellence in Teaching Awards
Recognizes outstanding commitment to teaching and mentoring medical students.
learn moreScholarship awards
Chair of Medicine Scholars Award
Fosters the transition from trainee to Jr. Faculty physician-scientist and principal investigator (PI)
learn moreEquity Academic Scholarship Award
Helps the transition for trainees advancing from post-doctoral and clinical fellowship to faculty positions.
learn moreFialkow Scholarship Award
Recognizes outstanding achievements of Jr. Faculty in research, teaching, clinical work & academic citizenship
learn moreViolet Zuvela Primary Care IM Scholarship Award
Fosters the transition from medical school to IM primary care residency
learn mMentorship Awards
Housestaff Fellowship Mentor Awards
Appreciation of outstanding mentorship and support of residents during the fellowship process.
learn moreResident Scholarship Mentor Awards
Appreciation of outstanding mentorship and support of resident research.
learn moreWilliam J. Bremner Endowed Mentorship Awards
Honors scientific, educational, and patient care contributions through exemplary mentorship
learn morService and leadership awards
Barbara Jung Gender Equity Champion Awards
Recognizes and celebrates individuals who are advancing women/gender minorities in medicine through mentorship, leadership, advocacy, teaching and/or research.
learn moreHindson Award
Honors the resident who embodies excellence in leadership, teaching and clinical care at the Boise VAMC.
learn moreTina Juul-Dam Primary Care Award
Memorializes Dr. Juul-Dam and celebrates her boundless spirit and zest for life, her dedication and genuine caring for her patients, and her passion for the principles and responsibilities of primary care.
learn moreOutstanding Student Award
Honors medical students who provide outstanding patient care, compassion, and exemplary professional interactions.
learn moreOutstanding Staff Award
Recognizes and celebrates exceptional staff members who are dedicated to supporting our organization’s mission and demonstrate excellence in the areas of diversity and inclusion, learning, teamwork, and innovation.
learn moreUWMC Chief of Medicine Service Awards
Recognizes Department of Medicine faculty members who have contributed significantly to the clinical and scholarly missions of the University of Washington Medical Center.
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