We are currently accepting nominations!
Deadline: April 1, 2025
A challenging career stage transition for trainees is advancing from post-doctoral and clinical fellowship to faculty positions.
To promote the training and career development of trainees, the Department of Medicine has created the Equity Academic Scholar Awards (formerly Diversity Academic Development Scholarship Awards).
These awards are intended to demonstrate significant departmental and institutional commitment to awardees at NIH study sections and other funding organizations.
This award provides partial or full salary support for 1-2 years at $50,000 per year.
- Career stage: Primarily later stages of fellowship (Senior Fellow) or early stages of a junior faculty position (Acting Instructor or Acting Assistant Professor). This award is not intended for faculty who already hold Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor titles.
- Awardees may be on the clinician-scholar, physician-scientist or research-scientist pathways.
- While this award is open to all applicants, to promote a more diverse faculty, we encourage applicants from groups who are from historically marginalized and minoritized communities, with disabilities, and/or with added family responsibilities. Examples include:
- Applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Applicants with disabilities
- Applicants who self-identify as one or more of the following: Black/African American, Latino/Latinx, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Cambodian, Filipino, Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese.
- Applicants who identify as LGBTQ+
- Research/academic excellence and potential for a career as independent PI
- Targeted to training stage with funding gaps from T/F to K transition
- Nomination letter from Division Head addressing (2 pages, 11-point font):
- Accomplishments and credentials of the nominee to date
- Potential for the nominated individual to develop a successful research career as a PI
- Description of funding gap
- Divisional commitment to and support for the nominee
- Personal statement from nominee (2 pages, 11-point font):
- Research accomplishments to date; future research plans; short- and long-term career goals
- Plans for applying for grants
- Address how you will enhance UW DOM faculty equity and inclusion
- Nominee CV (UW format)
Nominations should be made by the respective Division Head. The nomination packet should consist of a single pdf submitted to W. Conrad Liles and copied to Craig Johnson and Dave Horne.
- Call for applications: January/February
- Nomination deadline: March
- Awards announced: May
Past recipients
- Christine Limonte, Nephrology
- Vidhushei Yogeswaran, Cardiology
- Tara Reid, Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Massiel Stolla, Hematology
- Ana Valencia, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition
Busola Oluwole, Hematology
- Crystal Brown, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
- Chase Cannon, Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Erik Kimble, Hematology
- Helen Stankiewicz Karita, Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Kennedy Ukadike, Rheumatology