Gender Equity

wheat in field

We are committed to creating a workplace and clinical environment that focuses on gender equity and the prevention of sexual and gender harassment. We need to promote an inclusive environment across the department for all to be successful.

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Reshma Jagsi

Gender Equity Grand Rounds

The Gender Equity Council is proud to sponsor Medicine Grand Rounds on Feb. 7. Dr. Reshma Jagsi will present "An Evidence Based Approach to Promote Equity for Women in Academic Medicine" and the Barbara Jung Gender Equity Champion Award recipients will be announced.


In 2019, Dr. Barbara Jung was appointed as the first female chair of the Department of Medicine in its more than 70-year history.

In 2020, Dr. Jung hosted a screening of the film Picture a Scientist – a feature-length documentary film chronicling the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists – and moderated a discussion following the film, which led to the formation of the inaugural Department of Medicine Gender Equity Council.

This initiative was met with resounding enthusiasm, with over 60 volunteers for council membership.

working toward gender equity in the department of medicine

Learn about our work during our inaugural year. 

Picture a scientist

Picture a ScientistThe Department of Medicine has purchased an Institutional & Public Viewing License of Picture a Scientist, a feature-length documentary film chronicling the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists.

Women Physicians in History

Elizabeth BlackwellFebruary 3, 2017, marked the first observance of National Women Physician Day – a day of remembrance of the birthday of the first woman medical doctor, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, and of celebration of women and their contributions in the medical field.

Dr. Blackwell received her medical doctorate degree from Geneva Medical College, later Hobart College, in 1849. She was joined in 1864 by Rebecca Lee Crumpler, the first Black woman medical doctor, upon the conferring of her MD from the New England Female Medical College, later Boston University School of Medicine.

Since this time, women have made strides into a field historically and staunchly dominated by men. Women have made numerous contributions to medical science, including basic science discoveries, characterization of diseases, and the pioneering of diagnostics and treatments. While today, men doctors still make up the majority of physicians, medical schools are roughly equal in graduating women and men with even higher rates of women students seen in the last few years.