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One of our key priorities is to track, understand and report the demographics of our community. Reporting demographics is only one part of nurturing a supportive and collaborative culture. We look at climate surveys, feedback from our community, our success in recruiting and retaining faculty, staff and trainees, and the quality and equity of healthcare that we deliver to our patients.

This is unpublished


Our Strategic Plan (2021-2025) identified four core priority areas, including the aim of nurturing a supportive, collaborative culture built on equity, diversity, and inclusion.

In sharing demographic data, we hope to:

  • Examine who we are as a community in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, disability status, and age. Are we reflective of the Seattle region? Do we resemble the communities that we serve? How can we be more inclusive of our community members?
  • Provide transparency to our community.
  • Establish a baseline in evaluating DOM’s progress in becoming a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization.
  • Share our demographics and progress with prospective faculty, staff, and trainees.
  • Identify variations in demographics by different categories of faculty, trainees, and staff and develop initiatives to improve equity.
  • Provide metrics to support organizational accountability.


Faculty Race/Ethnicity, 2023

Graph of race/ethnicity in the dept. of medicine, 2023


Faculty race/ethnicity by track, 2023Race/ethnicity by faculty track, 2023

  • In 2023 there were 1345 faculty members in the Department of Medicine.
  • The DOM has grown by 20.7% since 2019, when there were 1091 faculty members. This growth was primarily driven by additions to the Clinical Salaried Faculty and Teaching Associate tracks.
  • Due to missing information (Null/no data + Refused, 11.4%), a direct comparison to Seattle demographics may not be accurate for most racial/ethnic categories.
  • Compared to Seattle as a whole, it is likely that there is a lower proportion of DOM faculty who identify as Black and Latino.

    *While these are non-zero cells, due to the small number of faculty in this category University rules do not allow us to list the percentage.

Faculty Race/Ethnicity Trends, 2017-2023

Race/ethnicity trend over time , 2017-2023

Race/ethnicity trend over time , 2017-2023

  • The proportion of faculty who declined or had no data for race/ethnicity was 13.7% in 2019 and 9.4% in 2023.
  • There was a greater proportion of faculty who identify as Asian or Black in 2023 compared to 2019
  • The proportion of faculty who identify as BIPOC has increased from 23.9% to 26% over the last five years.
  • The proportion of faculty who come from ethnic backgrounds underrepresented in medicine (URM**) was 3.74% in 2023, a decrease from the 2019 (4.67%) and 2022 proportions (5.25%).
  • There were no faculty members who identified as American Indian/Native Alaskan during the 2019-2023 time period.

    *While these are non-zero cells, due to the small number of faculty in this category University rules do not allow us to list the percentage.

    **Includes people who identify with one of the following categories: American Indian/Native Alaskan, Black, Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

Resident & Fellow Race/Ethnicity, 2023Race/ethnicity, combined resident/fellows, 2023

  • The proportion of missing race/ethnicity information (Refused plus No Data) was high overall at 22.3% (17.5% and 26.3% for residents and fellows, respectively).
  • After excluding DOM members with missing (Refused plus No Data) race/ethnicity data, the overall frequency of residents and fellows who identified as Asian, Black, Latino, white, or 2 or more ethnicities was 33.7%, 4.7%, 10.7%, 49.3%, and 1.7%, respectively.
  • No residents or fellows self-identified as Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaska Native in 2023.

Resident/fellows by race/ethnicity, 2023

  • After excluding DOM members with missing (Refused plus No Data) race/ethnicity data, the proportion of residents who identified as Asian, Black, Latino, white, or 2 or more ethnicities was 33.5%, 3.5%, 8.8%, 51.8%, and 2.9% respectively (denominator, n=170).
  • After excluding DOM members with missing race/ethnicity data, the proportion of fellows who identified as Asian, Black, Latino, or white was 33.8%, 6.2%, 13.1% and 46.9% respectively (denominator, n=130).


Faculty by gender, 2023

Graph of gender breakdown in the department

Faculty by gender trends, 2017-2023Percentages of gender in the department from 2017-2023

  • In 2023, 57.4% of faculty identified as female. This is a higher percentage of DOM faculty members who identify as female relative to Seattle’s population (48.9%).
  • UW DOM faculty who identify as female has increased over the last five years, from 52.5% to 57.4%.
  • In 2023, there was a higher proportion of faculty who identify as women in the Teaching Associate track compared to the overall DOM (57%) and lower proportion in the Professorial Tenured and Without Tenure tracks.

Residents/fellows by gender, 2023Resident/fellow by gender, 2023

  • In 2023, there were 390 DOM trainees, 211 residents/chief residents, and 179 fellows, among whom more than one-half identified as female.

Disability and Veteran Status

Faculty Disability Status, 2023

Faculty disability status, 2019

Faculty Veteran Status, 2023

Veteran status, 2023

Resident and Fellow Disability Status, 2023

Resident/fellow disability status, 2023

Resident & Fellow Veteran Status, 2023

Resident/fellow veteran status, 2023

  • 2.3% of faculty self-reported a disability in 2023.
  • The proportion of missing information on disability status is high (Null/no data + Refused, 43.4%).
  • The proportion of missing information on veteran status is high (Null/no data + Refused, 23.5%). No faculty reported that they have veteran status. The proportion of the Seattle area population who are veterans is 3.2%.


Faculty by age, 2023

Faculty by age, 2023

Faculty by age trends, 2019-2023


Faculty by age trends, 2019-2023

  • From 2019 to 2023, the proportion of faculty under 40 has increased, while the proportion 61 years and older has decreased.

Resident/fellows by age, 2023Pie chart of ages of resident and fellow combined titles 2023



This is the first year we have access to and can report on the demographics of staff in the Department of Medicine.

Staff race/ethnicity 2023

  • As of December 31, 2023, there were 819 staff members of the Department of Medicine, 75.2% of whom identified as female.
  • In terms of race and ethnicity, 54.6% identified as white, 26.9% as Asian, 5.7% as Hispanic or Latino, 5.0% as more than one race/ethnicity 3.4% as Black, 0.2 % as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and 0.1% as American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • 1.5% of staff members indicated that they are veterans.
  • 12.0% of staff members reported that they live with a disability.