Visiting Resident Scholars Program


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As part of the department of medicine’s goals to invest in trainees and create a culture with EDI at the center, the Visiting Resident Scholars Program was created to improve the pipeline of internal medicine physicians from a variety of backgrounds.

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The Visiting Resident Scholars Program (VRSP) is a funded program designed to give Internal Medicine Residents with a diverse background a chance to experience the training that the University of Washington Department of Medicine has to offer.

Tara Reidhistory

Dr. Tara Reid was our first visiting resident in 2018. She subsequently matched into our Infectious Diseases Fellowship program and is now a faculty member.


Visiting residents will spend four weeks on a Medicine consult service elective at the University of Washington Medical Center or Harborview Medical Center and care for a variety of patients in our tertiary care centers. Near the completion of the elective rotation, the applicant will be offered an opportunity to interview with the fellowship program. Accepted applicants will receive partial funding for their travel and lodging expenses.


The program is open to visiting residents who demonstrate both academic excellence and an interest in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion through their life experiences and/or efforts confronting inequities.

Those who have overcome significant barriers and/or traveled a great distance to become a physician are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should be strongly motivated to pursue a career in internal medicine or any of its subspecialties.

Home applicant institutions must be willing to cover the VRSP applicant's salary stipend during the visiting rotation at the UW.

The program is limited to residents currently enrolled in a U.S residency program.


Application materials are accepted on a rolling basis.

Submit the following:



Daniel Cabrera, MD
Visiting Resident Scholar Program Director
UW Division of General Internal Medicine
325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104