Excellence in Mentoring Women Faculty Award

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Established in 2003, the UW School of Medicine Excellence in Mentoring Women Faculty Award recognizes the importance of mentoring of women faculty by all faculty.

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This award recognizes the importance of mentoring of women faculty by all faculty.

Two awards are presented each year: one focused on outstanding mentorship by an early-to-mid career faculty member (assistant or associate professor) and one recognizing the cumulative impact of a more senior faculty member’s mentoring (associate or full professor).

Honors for the faculty chosen include $500 each, award presentation at their department meeting or grand rounds, a Dean’s Annual Mentoring Lunch, and a featured article in the UW Medicine Huddle.


Nominations should include at least one letter of nomination from a senior supporter (e.g., department chair, division chief) as well as 2-4 letters (two-page maximum length each) from mentees speaking to the nominee’s experience and exceptionalism in mentorship of women faculty.

Potential topics to cover in the support letter include evidence of exceptional career mentorship, how the nominee is a role model to mentees, and how the nominee provided sponsorship opportunities and fostered collaboration with mentees.

The award selection committee is the Dean's Standing Committee on Women in Medicine and Science; committee members are not eligible for the award.

Submission guidelines

Submit all documents for each nominee by email in a single pdf file, if possible, to Kat McGhee Drummond at kmcghee@uw.edu.

Past recipients

Past award recipients from the Department of Medicine:

2021  Abby Rosenberg

2017  Andrea Kalus

2016  Moira Aitken

2013  Carey Farquhar

2009  Dedra Buchwald

2008  Grace John Stewart and Lynn Schnapp

2007  Catherine Otto

2006  Anna Wald

2004  Ed Boyko

2003  Nora Disis