Research Fellows Orientation course

Survival Skills for the Research Years

Lecture participants

This UW Department of Medicine workshop is held each summer and covers skills necessary for academic success, such as grant writing, scientific writing, oral presentation, and job negotiations.

Ellen Schur
Nisha Bansal
This is unpublished

Save the date!

Our next course is on Aug. 19, 8:30-3pm, Brotman Auditorium, South Lake Union.


Course co-chairs

Dr. Ellen Schur

Dr. Nisha Bansal

This workshop is held each summer and covers skills necessary for academic success, such as grant writing, scientific writing, oral presentation, and job negotiations.

The course is designed for research fellows and is open to fellows and junior faculty from all departments.

Based on enthusiastic feedback from recent years, we anticipate lively and enthusiastic discussions with active participation by fellows from a broad array of disciplines.

There is no charge to attend this course.

Upcoming courses

August 19, 2024

Location: Brotman Auditorium, South Lake Union Campus
850 Republican St.